R+L Carriers is your trusted partner for LTL shipping for over 60 years.
R+L now provides many global transportation solutions to better serve you.
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There is smooth sailing ahead for your Offshore shipments with R+L Carriers.
R+L Carriers provides unparalleled shipping and logistics services for virtually any type and any size shipment.
Destination: Puerto Rico | Dominican Republic | Caribbean Islands
R+L Carriers offers full coverage to and from Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Caribbean Islands, Guam, Alaska, and Hawaii.
To avoid delay of loading, or freight delivery, every consignee accepting freight in Puerto Rico requires registration with the Puerto Rico Tax Department to obtain a Merchant Registration Certificate. The 11-digit Merchant Registration Number is required to be on the Bill of Lading at time of pick-up.
Application for Merchant Registration Certificate
For information on shipping to Alaska and Hawaii, visit our page on United States Shipping
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